【同义词辨析】 2018-03-19 邻近adjacent-juxtaposed

adjacent: may OR may not imply contact, but always implies absence of anyting of the same kind in between: the price of the house and the ~ garage.

adjoining: DEFINITELY implies meeting and touching at some point or line: assigned ~ rooms at the hotel.

contiguous: implies having contact on all or most of one side: offices in all 48 ~ states.

abutting: stresses the termination of one thing along a line of contact with another: land ~ on the road.

tangent: implies contact at a single point: a line ~ to a curve.

conterminous: applies to objects bordering on each other: crossing the ~ border of France and Germany; or having the same limits, bounds or ends: the several ~ civil and ecclesiastical parishes of England.

juxtaposed: means placed side by side esp. so as to permit comparison and contrast: an ultramodern office ~ to a Gothic church.

adjacent: 之间没有同类事物,可能接触没接触, adjoining: 明确表示在某点或线接触,contiguous: 在一整条边接触,abutting: 强调在接触的边线终结(即边界),tangent: 在单个点接触,conterminous: 表示有共同边界,或共同界限终点,juxtaposed: 并排放置以便比较对比

记忆方法:1) AACATCJ重新排列为CC TJ AAA长春天津3小时(Ahour发音接近)==〉邻近不邻近?

         2) 邻近的意思是: being in close proximity.